HR INSIGHTS: Finding (and Keeping) Hidden Leaders in Your Company


Staffing is a perennial concern for every organization. Recruiters are always on the lookout for new talent to bring on board, and managers are always eager to make the best use of the talent already in the company. Each issue of ExecuTeam HR Insights contains valuable information that can help companies make the staffing decisions… Read more »

Tis the Season… Team1Medical Gives!


Team1Medical has been busy this holiday season! Our team stepped up and participated in two charity events in the month of December. The first event, Canstruction, we announced on our blog here and tracked our progress via social media. The second event, Angel Tree Giving Program hosted by the Trotter Family YMCA, was also acknowledged… Read more »

Recruiter Spotlight: Tania Morales


Tania Morales, CPC, is one of our most dynamic staffing consultants. We have already told you about one of her mentors in the company, Lina Faye. This month we would like to highlight Tania’s achievements and her crucial contributions to the team. Not only was she a critical part of our team when ExecuTeam Staffing… Read more »

Donating to Houston Food Bank: We’re Canstructing for a Cause!


On November 5th, a Canstruction event was held at CityCentre Plaza where companies built structures out of canned food. At the end of the week and the end of the building of the structures, all of the cans of food were donated to the Houston Food Bank. This fun and generous event inspired our staffing… Read more »

HR INSIGHTS: Do Generational Differences Matter?


  “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” — Alan Cohen In a perfect world, managers and employees have frictionless relationships with each other, colleagues always get along well, and every hire a company makes turns out to be a smashing success for everyone involved. We don’t live… Read more »

Being Bold for the Future: ExecuTeam Supports Girls, Inc. in the Be Bold Margarita Competition


As a proud part of the Houston business community, ExecuTeam Staffing is committed to giving back to the Greater Houston area. Our team is excited to have supported Girls Incorporated of Greater Houston during their Seventh Annual Be Bold Margarita Competition.[1] Our Team gathered together, with many other supporters, to raise funds and awareness for… Read more »

Recruiter Spotlight: Lina Faye Gibbs


Lina Faye’s official title is Senior Staffing Consultant, and her specialty is Executive Searches in accounting/finance, talent acquisition, real estate and training. However, the team knows her as the “purple squirrel” specialist. In the staffing industry, a “purple squirrel” is a particularly difficult, seemingly impossible, to fill order. It is Lina Faye’s particular background which… Read more »

Louisiana Flood Victims Have Our Hearts: Donations from Houston’s ExecuTeam Staffing


In August 2016, South Louisiana experienced historic flooding. Although thousands were saved from the rising waters, thirteen people died trapped in the floods. Over 100,000 homes were impacted.[1] With Houston being so close to the affected areas and our staff having so many ties to Louisiana, ExecuTeam/Team1Medical Staffing collected donations from our team to send… Read more »

Our Staff’s Top Picks: Houston Best Place to Lunch!


One of the perks to servicing the greater Houston area is, well, Houston! There is so much that our staffing team loves about this unique area, and we want to share that passion with you! We enjoy visiting our clients all over the Houston area, and we know our temporary employees enjoy it too. Houston… Read more »

Staffing Employee Appreciation Month: Honoring Our Staffing Stars!


ExecuTeam|Team1Medical is recognizing September as Staffing Employee Appreciation Month.  Throughout the month, we will provide information regarding the contributions our industry and our employees provide to the workforce and to the economy.  The highlight of our month will occur during the week of September 19th when we join American Staffing Association in celebratory activities to… Read more »