HR INSIGHTS: Do Generational Differences Matter?


  “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” — Alan Cohen In a perfect world, managers and employees have frictionless relationships with each other, colleagues always get along well, and every hire a company makes turns out to be a smashing success for everyone involved. We don’t live… Read more »

Team Dynamics: Vital to Your Company’s Success


Last week’s blog provided alternatives for the traditional celebratory cake in the hopes of creating an environment of inclusion in the office. By being open to small changes, such as doing office celebrations a bit different, managers can encourage a feeling of community and belonging among the staff. Selecting different food items when celebrating can… Read more »

Inclusive Office Celebrations: Our Team Offers Their Favorite Non-traditional Treats


At Team1Medical Staffing, our team members are really good at their jobs, and they really enjoy being a team! Staffing is our business so having excellent team dynamics internally is incredibly important to us. One way our management fosters that team spirit is to make sure the whole team feels invited and included in our… Read more »

Tips to Manage Your Medical Staff’s Stress


While our recruiters here at Team1Medical see a number of candidates who excel at handling stressful situations, our recruiters also come in contact with candidates who are seeking new opportunities in less stressful work environments. Recognizing the level of stress in your office environment and lower that stress can lead to higher staff retention and… Read more »

Why Great Staff Leave: Why Can’t You Keep Your Top Medical Talent


Hiring can seem like an endless cycle. You put a great deal of time and energy into adding new people to the team, and it’s frustrating when they leave unexpectedly and you must begin again. But is it possible you are making errors that drive your best people away without even realizing it? Here are… Read more »

Is Your Medical Facility Understaffed? Here’s How to Tell (and What to Do)


It’s never easy figuring out if you have the right number of staff to handle all of the patients in your medical practice. There are many different factors that can determine the number of staff that you need. As a rule of thumb, when things get busy, medical practices tend to hire more people, and… Read more »

New Hire Success Depends on This One Key Thing


As an employer, you want your new employees get off to a good start so they are productive and successful. You want them to be happy that they chose your company to work for. That is why onboarding is so important. A good onboarding process can mean the difference between a good performer and someone… Read more »

Say This (Not That!) – Management Phrases You Should Adopt


The words we use are important. They can be used to uplift and inspire, or to berate and condemn. The words managers say are important in setting the tone of the workplace they oversee, and can establish either an environment of trust and communication, or one of frustration and suspicion. Good managers tend to use… Read more »

How to Increase Patient Satisfaction Rates Through Staffing


One may not think that a healthcare facility’s staffing and human resources efforts would have a big impact on patient satisfaction. Yet they do because when the patient-to-staff ratio favors patients, patients perceive that they are receiving more personal care and therefore their satisfaction rises. Yet other staffing and human resource factors also help increase… Read more »

8-Point Checklist for Evaluating a Medical Recruiting Firm


If your medical practice is looking to work with a healthcare recruiting firm, naturally one of the first things you need to do is figure out which staffing service to work with. When you look at recruiting firms, what criteria should you use to decide whom to work with? What kinds of questions should you… Read more »