For years, the Epilepsy Foundation Texas has participated in the nationwide Walk to END EPILEPSY. This event is a family-friendly community fundraiser to help those living with epilepsy fight against the struggles that come with their diagnosis. Participation helps enrich the lives of people living with this disorder and their families.
For that reason, we’re proud to share that The Reserves Network and its Houston affiliates including Team1Medical, ExecuTeam Staffing, and Resource Staffing, were sponsors for the Houston Walk to END EPILEPSY on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at the Houston Zoo.
Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the U.S.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects 3.4 million people in the United States. This number does not include their family members and caregivers, who are also impacted by its effects.
Epilepsy can be present at birth or develop during one’s lifetime. Living with this disorder means dealing with seizures, which can often happen without warning, and be difficult to predict or prevent. It is a condition that requires ongoing care and attention from families, friends, and medical professionals alike.
Why We Walk
The Epilepsy Foundation Texas founder and CEO, Donna Stahlhut, started the chapter in her kitchen in 1983 when she found out her son was diagnosed with epilepsy. And she quickly discovered “there was no information about epilepsy, no resources or assistance, and no way to connect to other families experiencing the same issues.” So she took matters into her own hands. Contributions to the Epilepsy Foundation Texas make it possible to create life-impacting opportunities and experiences for people living with epilepsy, like Donna’s son.
1 in 26 people live with epilepsy, and approximately 150,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. However, even though it is common, epilepsy receives 10x less funding than other brain disorders. The Walk gives people the opportunity to share their stories, learn more about epilepsy, and connect with those who have been affected all while raising funds.
Funds raised are used to support epilepsy and seizure research, education, and awareness programs.
If you have a loved one who suffers from epilepsy, you know firsthand the challenges they face and the fear and uncertainty that these types of seizures bring. For sufferers, these experiences can be devastating.
That’s why funds raised from events like the Walk to END EPILEPSY are used to support epilepsy research, education, and awareness programs. We hope not only to support those struggling with epilepsy but also to create greater awareness about this debilitating disease which impacts people in all age groups, communities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
The Houston Walk to END EPILEPSY raised over $140,000
As one of the top 10 teams, we were able to raise $2,230 for the Epilepsy Foundation Texas with 35 members on our team. The foundation nearly met its fundraising goal of $150,000, bringing in $140,540 total.
Needless to say, the event was a success. There was music, dancing, and raffles (and lions and tigers and bears OH MY)! We met so many wonderful people, whether they were walkers, vendors, zoo employees, volunteers, and even Ugochi Iloka from KHOU 11 News! The team from The Reserves Network family of companies had so much fun sponsoring this event, and we can’t for next year!
How to help someone having a seizure
If you or someone you know experiences epilepsy and seizures, here are some tips to help:
- STAY with the person until they are awake and alert after the seizure – be sure to time the duration of the seizure. Remains calm. Check for a medical ID.
- Keep the person SAFE. Move or guide them away from harm.
- Turn the person onto their SIDE if they are not awake and aware – be sure to keep the airway clear. Loosen tight clothes around their neck. Put something small and soft under the head.
Call 911 IF:
- Seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes
- First time seizure
- Difficulty breathing
- Person does not return to their usual state
- Seizure occurs in water
- Person is injured, pregnant, or sick
- Put any objects in their mount.
- Restrain the person
Provided by the Epilepsy Foundation of America
2022 Walk to END EPILEPSY – Team1Medical
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