Each month Team1Medical Staffing offers FREE webinars to our candidates and employees to assist with their job search or career advancement. Check out our monthly listings on our social media channels or on this blog for upcoming topics. Interactive Q&A is held after each session.
Workforce/Workplace Trends
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
1:00 PM CDT
Change is occurring a lightning speed in the current job market. It may be time to rethink priorities and to shift emphasis because trends impact your ability to land the job of your dreams. During this session, we will address the following:
- Workforce/Workplace Trends
- Three Drivers of Change
- Nine Current Trends you should Embrace
The lines will be open to address your questions following the training presentation.
Master a Strong 30-Second Pitch
Thursday, July 16, 2020
1:00 PM CDT
Your 30-second pitch will be used in your cover letters and when you are networking. It will also prepare you to answer the dread question “Tell me about yourself.” You will learn why it is important to keep in mind the following:
- The target of your pitch
- What is important to this person
- Your competition
- What you offer that others don’t
- Why you need more than one 30-second pitch
The lines will be open to address your questions following the training presentation.
Make Every Move In Your Job Search Count
Monday, July 20, 2020
2:00 PM CDT
There is no guarantee that you will find a job if your work hard on your job search. If you have been in a job search for more than 6 months and are not pleased with your results, it is time to make every move you take help you progress to an eventual job offer.
The two primary areas we will address are:
- Getting your resume in the hands of people who are NOT bombarded by resumes
- Effectively increasing your networking efforts.
The lines will be open to address your questions following the training presentation.
Nine Things To Do Before An Interview
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
1:00 PM CDT
The interview is the first step to landing your new job. It is important to be more prepared than your competition. Each interview is that much closer to a job offer or can cause you to be screen out of consideration. During this session, we will address what you should do before each of the following:
- Phone Screening Interview
- Virtual Interview
- Face-to-Face Interview
- Final Interview
The lines will be open to address your questions following the training presentation.
Find more webinars and other free resources when you signup at MyTeam1Medical.com.

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