UPDATE [March 16, 2020, 1:10 PM CDT]: Until further notice, we will no longer hold face-to-face interviews in our office. All interviews will be conducted virtually.
With novel coronavirus (COVID-19) causing concern and closures throughout the US, many businesses are operating remotely. The growing number of people out of the office is likely to cause you some anxiety about the status of your job search.
Our office is open
Rest assured, the team at ExecuTeam and Team1Medical is still working for you! Though we are closely monitoring the situation, we are still paying our current employees without interruption, placing candidates on assignments and conducting interviews daily.
As we strive to maintain a healthy and safe environment, some measures have been put into place for our interview process.
When you visit our office
As a precautionary measure, we ask that when you do come in for an interview that you wash/sanitize your hands. Hand sanitizer will be provided, and all work stations, as well as interview rooms, will be wiped down before and after interviews.
Additionally, while it may feel awkward, no handshake is necessary. It is important to reduce physical contact so we will not be shaking hands in our meetings. We promise it’s not you, it’s COVID-19.
If you feel sick, opt for a video interview.
It is 2020 after all. Whether you use FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp – we’ve got you covered.
Video interview tips
A video interview is still a job interview and should be approached as such. Below are some tips to help you prepare.
Before your scheduled interview
- Complete all paperwork.
- Ensure the area around you is free from visual and noisy distractions.
- Have a reliable source of Wi-Fi.
- Test your headset/microphone and your Skype or Video app to ensure they are working, open and ready to receive calls.
- Use your computer’s camera to make sure there is enough lighting so the interviewer can see you.
Also, have with you
- a pen and some paper,
- the job description,
- a copy of your resume with a list of job-relevant accomplishments highlighted,
- any questions you have, and
- a calendar, should a second interview be requested.
What to wear
Dressing professionally for a Skype interview matters just as much as in a face-to-face interview. Dressing the part for an interview not only puts you in the right mindset, but it also increases confidence.
And don’t just dress to your waist. Make sure you’ve dressed appropriately from head-to-toe in case you must stand at any point during the interview.
What to expect during this time
Whether you interview in person or over a video app, please keep the following in mind:
- All paperwork must be completed before you can be submitted to a client.
- Expect delays – Some clients may be working from home so it may take longer to get responses and to schedule client interviews.
If you’re bored at home
We offer a free resource to assist you in your job search: www.MyTeam1Medical.com. Brush up on your skills, update your resume, attend free webinars and more. Now is the perfect time to use all the tools at your disposal.
We know this is a frustrating situation but we are all in this together. Remember to be kind, professional and patient. And please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions.
If you are looking for new job opportunities, Team1Medical can help. Browse our current job openings or contact us to learn how we can help you find and land the job that’s right for you.
Read more about your job search during a pandemic:
Special Edition – Job interviews during a pandemic
Bored at home – coronavirus helps headhunters locate candidates, delays deals
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